PM Kisan Samman Nidhi installment Credited, Check Beneficiaries list
The central government of India has launched a yojana under the name of Prime Minister PM Samman Nidhi Kisan Yojana to help the country’s farmers. It is also known as PM Kisan Yojana. The plan was launched in February 2014. Through this plan, Rs. 6,000 will be deposited into the country’s farmers’ bank accounts each year. To get the advantage of this system, you must register for the PM KISAN portal. This article provides all the information regarding the new installment of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana as well as the 17th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Status, steps to review the list of PM Kisan’s beneficiaries.

PM Kisan 17th Installment 2024: Overview
Name Of The Scheme PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 2024
- Scheme Launched By: Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
- Purpose Financial: Assistance to all the Marginal farmers Of the Country
- Previous Installment: 11th Installment
- Number Of beneficiary: Around 10.78 crore Farmers
- Amount Of the Installment: Rs. 2000/-
- Total financial assistant: Rs. 6000/-
- Official Website:
PM Kisan Yojana : Through this government-launched program, the government seeks to double farmers’ incomes by 2024. Several announcements were made in the Union’s 2024 budget to double farmers’ incomes.
The government’s Department of Agricultural Welfare released an amount of approximately Rs 1.31.531 billion at the 2024 budget meeting. This year’s budget is approximately 5.63% more than last year’s agriculture budget.
Half of the amount released in the agricultural budget is used for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. This scheme was drawn up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 24, 2019, taking into account the interests of the country’s farmers.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Check installment Beneficiaries list 2024
- PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 17th installment: Check your name and obtain it registered, call this number and help.
- PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 17th installment: Many farmers in the country have benefited from this program. So far, 11.64 lakh farmers have benefited from Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
- The improvement of the lot is observed in the economic situation of the economic conditions of farmers through this scheme. Farmers can obtain the amount of 6000 RS reported in the regime directly on their bank account.
- If you want to apply for this program as well, you need to apply for this Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana with the necessary documents.
- Know how you’ll register under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and check your name within the list.
Benefits of PM Kisan Yojana :
- Under this program, Farmers will receive 6,000 rupees which will be transferred to their bank account.
- With this system, you only receive money when you register online.
- The benefits of this plan are available in all states of India except West Bengal.
- New legislation was recently passed for this system and PM says it will not harm farmers or their families.
- PM Modi is helping many farmers through this plan.
- Farmers can take advantage of this system to purchase seeds and food for their crops.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 10th installment Check Your Beneficiaries list name
Registration of beneficiaries of PM Kisan Yojana are going to be done through postmen during this state, know – what is going to be the way 300 postmen are deployed within the state to attach the farmers with this scheme, who will attend their homes and obtain registered. consistent with the govt of Goa, there are 38,000 Farmers of Agriculture cardholders within the state, out of which 21,000 are eligible under the PM Kisan Yojana.
How to Apply for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 17th installment 2024?
Eligible farmers can register for PM Kisan Nidhi 2024 Scheme only in online mode. For tha they will register by their own from the PM Kisan portal.
they will also register by visiting the closest Common Service Centris (CSCS) by the payment of the requisite fee.
Required documents for the New Registration :
For the registration in this system you need the following documents: –
- Original papers of land
- Applicant’s bank passbook
- Base card
- Voter ID card
- Passport size photo
- Identity card
- Driving license certificate
- Land full details
- Residence Certificate
- Owner of at least 2 hectares of land is mandatory, etc.
Online Application for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme?
- To apply, first, click on the link
- Then the home page will open on the screen.
- On the home page, you will find the Farmers’ Corner, click on it.
- Then on the next page, you will have the option to register a new farmer.
- After clicking on it, the registration form will open.
- Then you have to fill in all the details correctly and click on submit.
- After that, you will receive a future hard copy of the registration form.
PM Kisan Installments schedule :
- First installment: December 1 to March 31
- Second installment: April 1 to July 31
- Third installment: August 1 to November 30
- To help the farmers in self-registration we’ve shared the entire application procedure below:
- Visit the official website of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana how to check your Details and New Ragistions:
How to Check PM Kisan Samman Nidhi 17th installment Beneficiaries list:
- Click on the “Farmers Corner” tab given on the homepage.
- Click on the ‘Beneficiary List’ Click to Check
- Beneficiary Status Check online By Adhar Number | By Account Number
- PM Kisan Check Your 11th Installment: Click Hare
- Enter your state, district, sub-district, block, and village details.
- After filling this, click on Get Report and get the complete list.
- Check when the installment
- PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Online Form 2024
- PM Kisan App Download Click Here
- Application Form Pdf
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana how to Apply “New Farmers Registration” check:
- Select the “New Farmers Registration” link from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Aadhaar No. and security text and hit the “Click here to continue” tab.
- The registration form will appear.
- Candidates need to fill in all the private details of the farmer within the respective fields. Lastly, they need to click on the “Save” button.
- Finally, the registration procedure will complete.
- On final registration, candidates will receive a confirmation SMS on their registered mobile no.
The new list of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme 2024 is often checked on the official website . The names of the farmers who are given the advantage of this scheme also can be seen consistent with the state/district wise / tehsil /village, during which the govt has uploaded the entire list of all the beneficiaries.
E-KYC is Mandatory to get the benefits of PM Kisan Yojana :
Details Aadhaar cards must be linked to the PM Kisan account, otherwise, there are no benefits. Linking Aadhaar to the account can be done in a few simple steps. They are as follows:
Step 1: First, the person needs to log into the PMKisan official website at
Step 2: The person has to click on the “e-KYC” option on the
Step 3: A new page opens where you have to enter the number of the Aadhaar card, the Captcha code, and click on Search.
Step 4: Then you will be asked to enter the mobile phone number associated with the Aadhaar card.
Step 5: After you have entered that, you must click on ‘Get OTP’.
Step 6: Now the person must enter the OTP in the specified field enter
The person must take into account that the PM Kisan e-KYC is sent successfully.
How to Verify Payment Status :
- Step-by-step method of checking beneficiary status and other details;
- First, visit the official website
- You will see the Farmers Corner option at the top, click on it.
- Select the Beneficiary Status option here, where you can check the status of the application.
- A list is drawn up showing the farmer’s name and the amount transferred to their bank account.
- Now enter the Aadhar number, account number, or mobile phone number.
- Click on “Get data”.
- Farmers Not Eligible for Scheme :
- Those who have agricultural land but pay income tax.
- Professionals such as doctors, CA’s, lawyers, engineers, architects.
- Retired workers whose pension exceeds Rs 10,000.
- The ministers of the central and state government, parliaments, MLA, MLC, mayors, current and former presidents of Zilla Panchayat cannot use the plan.
Recipients have received 16th installments so far :
- Beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana have received a total of 16 installments and are now eagerly awaiting the 17th installment.
- Lakhs of peasants in the country have not yet received the ninth installment. According to the information obtained on PM Kisan’s website.
- All farmers who have applied for the ninth installment by September 30th will have their money transferred to their account along with the 17th installment.
- If you have any questions or doubts, about PM Kisan Yojana, you can log on to PM Kisan’s official website at
- You can also go to your district’s agricultural office and find out about the problem with the official responsible.
How to Check PM Kisan Samman Nidhi installment Beneficiaries list:
- Click on the “Farmers Corner” tab given on the homepage.
- Click on the ‘Beneficiary List’.
- PM Kisan Check Your Installment: Click Hare
- Enter your state, district, sub-district, block, and village details.
- After filling this, click on Get Report and get the complete list.
- જુઓ આ તારીખે મળશે PM Kisan Samman Nidhiયોજનાનો હપ્તો અહીંથી જુઓ
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana how to Apply “New Farmers Registration” check :
- Select the “New Farmers Registration” link from the dropdown list.
- Enter the Aadhaar No. and security text and hit the “Click here to continue” tab.
- The registration form will appear.
- Candidates need to fill in all the private details of the farmer within the respective fields. Lastly, they need to click on the “Save” button.
- Finally, the registration procedure will complete.
- On final registration, candidates will receive a confirmation SMS on their registered mobile no.
The new list of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme 2021 is often checked on the official website . The names of the farmers who are given the advantage of this scheme also can be seen consistent with the state/district wise / tehsil /village, during which the govt has uploaded the entire list of all the beneficiaries.
શું છે યોજના :
પીએમ કિસાન સમ્માન નિધિ યોજનામાં લાભાર્થી ખેડૂતને વર્ષે 6000 રૂપિયા 2000 ના હપ્તામાં મળે છે. આ યોજનામાં દરેક હપ્તામાં એક ખેડૂતને 2000 રૂપિયાની રકમ ખાતામાં મળે છે. મોદી સરકાર માને છે કે આ યોજનાથી ખેડૂત પરિવારો પોતાની જરૂરિયાતો પૂરી કરવામાં મદદ મેળવી શકે છે. ખેડૂતો પણ મોદી સરકારની આ યોજનાથી ખુશ જોવા મળે છે.
આ રીતે લિસ્ટમાં ચેક કરી લો તમારું નામ
- સૌ પહેલા તો તમે પીએમ કિસાન યોજનાની અધિકૃત સાઈટ પર પર જાઓ.
- અહીં હોમ પેજ પર તમને Farmers Corner નો ઓપ્શન દેખાશે.
- અહીં તમે Farmers Corner સેક્શનમાં Beneficiaries List પર ક્લિક કરો.
- હવે ડ્રોપ ડાઉન લિસ્ટથી રાજ્ય, જિલ્લા અને ઉપજિલ્લા સાથે બ્લોક અને ગામની વિગતો ભરે.
- આ પછી Get Report પર ક્લિક કરો. આ પછી લાભાર્થીનું લિસ્ટ સામે આવશે. તેમાં તમારું નામ ચેક કરી શકો છો.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme 17th installment Helpline Numbers:
- PM Kisan Toll-Free Number: 18001155266
- PM Kisan Helpline Number:155261
- PM Kisan Landline Numbers: 011—23381092, 23382401
- PM Kisan helpline: 0120-6025109, 011-24300606
- Email ID:
- PM-Kisan Helpline No. 011-24300606:
Campaign for Saturation of all PM KISAN beneficiaries with Kisan Credit Cards (KCC)
- First of all, go online to the official website of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana
- After this, attend the Farmers Corner on the proper side.
- Here you’ll get the choice of Beneficiary Status.
- Click on the choice of Beneficiary Status, now a replacement page will open ahead of you.
- On the new page, you’ll need to choose one among the Aadhaar number, checking account number, or mobile number.
- Enter the amount you’ve got chosen within the space provided.
- Now you’ve got to click on the link of Get Data, now all the info will are available in front of you.
PMKISAN GoI About this app :
The Government of India launched a new Central Sector Scheme, “Pradhan Mantri KIsan SAmman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)” in order to augment the income of the Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs). The scheme was launched in February 2019. It is being implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Co-operation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare through the Department of Agriculture of all the States and Union Territories Governments. Under the Scheme, a direct payment of Rs. 6000 per year will be transferred in three equal installments of Rs. 2000 each every four months into the bank accounts of eligible landholding families.
Many measures are being taken by the Government to reach to all eligible beneficiaries under PM-KISAN. Public interfaces have been made available for self registration, checking the payment status, Correction of the name as per Aadhaar as it is being mandatory requirement of the scheme. To broaden the reach further, the PM-KISAN mobile app designed and developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India is being launched.
Using Mobile app, farmers can
- - Register themselves
- - Know the status about their registration and payments
- - Correct name as per Aadhaar
- - Know about the scheme
- - Dial Helpline Numbers.