
Gujarat Saraswati Sadhana Yojana Free Bicycle Girls' SC Program in Std

Gujarat Saraswati Sadhana Yojana Free Bicycle Girls' SC Program in Std. 9 (Free Bike Scheme), 9th grade girls from the SC class to get free bikes for the Sarasvati Sadhana Scheme

The Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana for girls was chosen by the Gujarati government. Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana would provide free bikes to all girls in classrooms and grades nine. One important department is the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment. effectively apply Gujarat's free bike scheme for SC girls.

The goal of Gujarat's Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana (SSY) is to encourage females between the ages of 14 and 18 to enroll in secondary and university education. The initiative will lower the community's dropout rates among females from underprivileged homes.

Here we will tell you the need, impact and provision of Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana beneficiaries in Gujarat province.

Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana in Gujarat 

Since it establishes the groundwork for students in academics and higher education, primary education (Grades 10) is a crucial stage of education. Research data indicate that inadequate resources were the primary reason for school dropout for most females who attended disadvantaged schools. Therefore, the Gujarat provincial government launches the Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana 2022 to give free cycling to SC girls enrolled in government- or government-aided ninth-grade schools in an effort to encourage girls from the SC community to pursue higher study.

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  • The purpose of this free cycle initiative is to encourage females' education.

Qualifications for eligibility

  • High school girls in their ninth year are available.

Supporting pattern:

  • Girls enrolled in Std. IX classes are entitled to complimentary rounds.

Value of net:
  • 1,20,000/- in rural regions.
  • 1,50000 Rupees in cities.
The girls in Grade 9 are the only ones that qualify. In order for urban regions to be eligible for the Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana in Gujarat, the annual income of SC girl parents from all sources must not exceed Rs. 1,20,000 in rural areas and Rs. 1,50,000 in urban areas. It's crucial to remember that girls can only receive free bikes if they fulfill both requirements.

The goal of the Gujarat Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana is to increase class IX enrolment overall. Because Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana will address issues of low-level resources, limited participation, and lack of access, the initiative will improve girls' education. There will be an improvement in both the general and educational levels of girls.

Gujarat Free Bicycle Program for SC Girls 

According to experimental research, the Gujarati SC Girls' Free Bicycle Scheme is a godsend for the girls. Girls in Gujarat will attend and enroll in more classes as a result of the Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana since they will now ride bicycles to school.

Girls' presence and enrolment in the 9th grade will increase if the Sarasvati Sadhana Scheme helps allay or lessen worries about the safety of girls and their parents.
