i Khedut Yojana : Dear Viewers, Agriculture & Co-Operation Department has been started I khedut web portal. I khedut portal is a online subsidy process by Government of Gujarat. Eligible Farmers can easily register her self on this portal for get benefits of various scheme from stared by Gujarat Government. subsidy at www.ikhedut.gujarat.gov.in.here we provide you all details in depth like who can Apply, which documents are required, how can farmers taken the benefit from this various scheme. for more details read below.
i Khedut Yojana 2024 Application Form Date
Online Application :– Some Various schemes for the farmers implemented by various agencies of this state like co-operative societies, government institute, corporations, agricultural boards, etc. ALl the schemes avail benefits to the farmers as easy way. i khedut allows to give benefit from some scheme of to the farmers.
Details about an agriculture :– The farmers Also can access the information regarding the dealers of pesticides, fertilisers, seeds etc. The Product and supplies information also can be update by dealers. Throughout the I khedut official web portal, the farmers can check products availability and price etc all information. By using I khedut official web portal, You can check all the details about different types of loans provided to farmers by different banks. At the i khedut web portal, list of the finance providers and their addresses can be accessed. all farmers can get all the news from I khedut official portal.
Required Document for I Khedut yojana 2024
- Farmers 7-12, 8-A Khata No.
- Farmers Aadhar Card No.
- Ration Card No.
- Farmers Mobile No.
- Farmers Bank Seving Account No.
- Cheque No.
- Khedut Nondhni Patra No.