Weather Live Forecast & Rain Maps Real-Time wind, rain and temperature maps.Live Weather Forecast App has accurate real-time weather information globally

Plan your day ahead :
Effortlessly track your weather on our live radar map up to 90 minutes into the future. See where rain and storms in summer or snows in winter are headed and how you’ll be impacted; we’ll even alert you in advance if there’s something headed your way!
Live wind, rain and temperature maps, detailed forecast for your place, data from the best weather forecast models such as GFS, ICON, GEM.
live precipitation maps. Rain data is displayed from weather radars across the globe, in which they scan the skies to detect raindrops.
Live Weather Forecast App detects weather in your current location automatically. There are many information in Live Weather Forecast App which includes weather condition, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, visibility distance, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to ten days future forecast, also hourly weather forecast.
Real-time temperature, rain, snow, humidity, pressure, wind force, and wind direction are all in this Live Weather Forecast App.
Severe weather alert : Storm, forest fire, gale, flood, cold wave, heat wave, hurricane… Stay alert with information from authoritative national warning center
Live background : Change according to real-time weather
Weather radar : Useful if you want to track tropical storms or potential severe weather. From wind, rain, temperature, clouds, waves and pressure to precise details like wind gusts, rain accumulation, dew point, CAPE Index and currents. You will have all convenient weather maps here in Weather Forecast.
Weather trend graphs : Show daily weather changes in feel like temperature, wind speed, precipitation total, precipitation rate, and UV index in graphs
Local and global weather forecast : Get weather report for every city you want to know. Add up to 10 cities worldwide with GPS locating or city names, and keep track of weather
Always ready for weather changes : Remind you to bring an umbrella/jacket
All features :
• Real-time weather maps animations with blizzard & hurricane tracker: rain, snow, clouds, wind, temperature, humidity, wave, pressure, current
• Full report: location time, temperature, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different units, dew point, wind speed, and direction
• Detect location by GPS & network to get forecast maps
• Search & manage multiple locations
• Supported notification for weather and alerts
• Real-time update widget
• Today, tomorrow,7 days later
• Weather description: sunrise & sunset time, humidity, precipitation probability, visibility, etc
• View detail of daily & hourly weather
• Change unit setting: temperature (C/F), time format (12h/24h), precipitation (mm, inch), wind speed (km/h, mi/h, m/s), pressure (mmHg, hPa, mbar)
• Weather forecast for all countries & cities: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Auckland, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto, etc.
Download Live Weather Apk: Application is accessible to anyone around the world, aimed at improving awareness about meteorological events in our atmosphere. Images from the application can be redistributed with source and thus help us achieve our goal.