What type of laptop would you choose for students to study? Find out his list:
Demand for laptops has increased as online classes are being run in schools and colleges
Laptops with fewer features can be purchased for school compared to college
Companies including Google and Microsoft have approved work from home until the year 2021. Online education is being provided in the country as schools and colleges are currently closed. Demand for laptops has increased due to online study along with work from home. It is important for students to know what kind of laptop to choose.
What type of laptop is best for education:
It all depends on what type of course you want to take the laptop for. Laptops have to be chosen differently for schooling, college or IT. Things like processor and RAM are not very important for school.
For school education:
Students studying up to 12th standard are required to have a camera in the laptop for the purpose of online class. It also has up to 4GB of RAM, a quad-core processor and up to 100GB of storage.
For college education:
For college students, it would be better to have a laptop upgrade. That doesn't mean you have to buy an expensive laptop. Laptops costing around Rs 30,000 can be purchased.
For IT Education:
If a student is involved in a professional course or IT, he / she needs an advanced laptop for study. It must have at least 8GB of RAM and a graphics card with an octacore processor. The cost of this laptop can be a bit high.
Choose what type of laptop for students to study Full Read DivyaBhaskar News Gujarati : Click Hare
Note: Markets are currently closed in many cities due to the lockdown. The laptop can be purchased from the e-commerce site.