
Pan-masala shops in the state may close again July 2020.

Pan-masala shops in the state may close again July 2020.

  1. Pan-masala shops in the state may close again
  2. We will close pan-masala shops in the area where the case grows: Jayanti Ravi
  3. Concerned over Corona's growing case: Jayanti Ravi
Corona's affliction is increasing day by day in Surat. In Teva, Surat Health Front Secretary Jayanti Ravi visited the Katargam zone. Then today, the front health secretary Jayanti Ravi gave some hints about the closure of pan-masala shops. Today, important news has come up for the development of Pan-Masala. 

Why are corona cases on the increase in Surat?

Jayanti Ravi said that there are many reasons for the rise within the number of corona cases in Surat. But the diamond industry could also be one reason. The seating arrangement is one among the explanations . People sit next to every other and grind diamonds.

 It increases the likelihood. Even today within the circulation of the town I saw that the system of wearing masks has improved a touch . So spitting is additionally a habit, also as adopting social distance, therefore the chances of transition are reduced. The densely urban area could also be thanks to alittle increase in numbers.

Surat Kovid Hospital to urge 600 more beds: Jayanti Ravi: 

Health front secretary Jayanti Ravi held a news conference in Surat on the rising case of corona. He said that employment has been began to expand the new system in Kovid Hospital.

The NGO are going to be ready to conduct door-to-door surveys. People are going to be informed about Corona.

Exact guideline will come in case of examination: Jayanti Ravi

He further said that Kovid Community Isolation Center will be started. The Covid Isolation Center will be linked to the hospital. Today 350 people have joined Home Isolation. Medical, dental and para-medical examinations have been postponed. There will be specific guidelines in case of examination. Lockdown will be implemented where more cases come.