
prevent cancer foods

These  things not to be mistaken in Life,Diet, no cancer risk for life Do not eat these things to prevent cancer foods and Live Healthy life.

 World Cancer Day 5 February is being celebrated.Environmental pollution and changing lifestyles are responsible for cancer or for spreading.  Cancer is dengerous dieses. If you incorporate these things into your daily diet, you can prevent a deadly disease like cancer.

prevent cancer foods

 This Food Invites Cancer :

 Change your food habits today for Better Life . Don't Eat and reduce Daily Eating.

 Microwave popcorn :

 The popcorn made in the microwave causes cancer. Putting popcorn in the microwave produces perfluoroacanoic acid.  It can spread cancer.  This requires soybean oil to be used. 

 Non Organic Fruit :

 Cleaning the fruit that has been stored in cold storage for a long time also leaves a chemical layer on it.  This increases the likelihood of cancer.  Fruits stored after the stipulated time should also be destroyed.  So as to avoid cancer.

 Tomato and It's Other Item :

 Keeping tomatoes closed for a long time also produces a chemical called bisphenol-A which increases cancer.  Other than that we are using it and inviting cancer.  It is important to avoid such tomatoes as much as possible.

 Potato chips :

 On one hand in our country, all companies pack and sell potato wafers.  While sodium, fake color can be easily used in it.  Causing cancer to spread.

 Processed meat :

 Eating processed meats causes cancer.  Sodium is used in the chemical used to protect meat.  Sodium nitrate provides sodium nitrate, which increases the chances of cancer.

This is the thing to use. Eating all these things increases the chances of cancer.
